The Gospel Story

There is nothing more important in your life that what you understand the gospel to be. Your understanding and definition of the gospel determines and defines basically everything in your life. It determines what you believe about God, yourself, other people, sin, salvation, the world, eternal life, heaven, hell, sin, guilt, the devil, punishment, love, fear, relationship and lots of other things! You owe it to yourself to find out what the gospel really is all about. There are different gospels on the market and most people are exposed to the sin gospel instead of the gospel of the kingdom! The difference between the two is mind-blowing. This will be the most exciting journey you have ever made in your life!

The Gospel Story (Eng)


Session 0

Session 1
Before the foundation of the world

Session 2
fall of angels

Session 3
Creation of the earth

Session 4
Creation of man

Session 5
Fall of man

Session 6
Old Testament

Session 7
Incarnation of Christ

Session 8
The cross

Session 9

Session 10

Session 11
Preparation for marriage

Session 12
Marriage feast

Die Evangelie Verhaal (Afr)


Sessie 0

Sessie 1
Voor die grondlegging van die wêreld

Sessie 2
Val van die engele

Sessie 3
Skepping van die aarde

Sessie 4
Skepping van die mens

Sessie 5
Val van die mens

Sessie 6
Ou Testament

Sessie 7
Vleeswording van Christus

Sessie 8
Die kruis

Sessie 9

Sessie 10

Sessie 11
Voorbereiding vir die huwelik

Sessie 12